Brain that travels = healthy and happy brain

David Holt
Brain that travels = healthy and happy brain

Traveling, changing scenery, discovering new cultures and new landscapes is good for the mind.

It is a statement that seems obvious since we have all traveled and felt its benefits in our own meats, but there are also scientific studies that prove it. Our brain (specifically the brain) and our body become healthier when we travel.

It doesn't matter if you are renting an apartment in Barcelona, ​​touring the California coast or discovering Thailand backpacker style. Whether we travel far or near home, alone or accompanied, a short or long period, in summer or winter ... we travel wherever and whenever, we will always obtain great benefits for our brain.

Studies show that when traveling, we escape from the routine, discover new environments, new sensations, live new experiences that enrich us and increase our creativity, memory, confidence, agility to solve problems, and even our happiness and life expectancy..

Effects of traveling the brain

Indeed, people who travel (it is more visible in older people) enjoy better brain health. The brain changes throughout our lives according to our learning (neuroplasticity). As we all know, the brain works like this: what you don't use is lost. Therefore, it is important to find ways to strengthen it and prevent disease. Just like our muscles develop when we exercise, our brain tissue develops when our brain overcomes challenges, we learn new things.

When we travel we stimulate our brain through various ranges of neural sequences. Therefore, traveling not only provides mental benefits in the present (disconnection, relaxation, discovering oneself, opening the mind) but also provides important long-term brain benefits, creating a greater cognitive reserve and greater resistance to deterioration in ages advanced.

When traveling, or even living a time outside of our country, we make a cultural immersion. We meet different people and integrate new cultures and new ways of thinking to our identities, which increases our imagination, creativity, as well as neural synapses. Several scientific studies have evaluated the creativity of people who have lived outside their countries with people who have not traveled. The results of the different tests they underwent showed that those who have traveled and had multicultural experiences had a higher level of creativity than those who did not..

Traveling increases our self-confidence

On the other hand, as we have already mentioned, traveling increases our confidence in others and in ourselves. We think that we are in unique places that we may not visit again for a long time, we detach ourselves from our routine and dare to live surprising experiences that we would never have imagined we would be able to overcome. We lose our fears and our self-esteem grows.

Traveling also increases the agility to solve problems and seek solutions. Living with a different culture for a while brings challenges. These challenges open our minds. On the other hand, traveling we see how other cultures face these or other obstacles with new perspectives for us. We acquire new points of view, new ways of approaching a problem and getting ahead. We discovered that a problem can have different solutions.

Finally, and I would say that at the end of the day it is the most important benefit: traveling increases our happiness. Traveling we experience a lot of positive sensations, we relax, our stress level lowers and our sense of well-being increases. We feel happiness at the time of planning the trip, leaving the plane, resting on the beach with a good book, lying on a freshly made bed, seeing wild animals, paragliding ... each one chooses the activities that best suit them. they make you enjoy and find happiness. In addition, it allows us to connect with the people who accompany us and get to know ourselves, which is essential to be able to be happy..

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