How to keep emotions from controlling your life

Anthony Golden
How to keep emotions from controlling your life

Emotions are designed by nature to be fleeting.


  • What are emotions for?
  • When emotions invade us
  • How to process a painful emotion
    • 1. Give yourself permission
    • 2. Explore your body
    • 3. Feel the excitement
    • 4. Find the origin
    • 5. Release her

What are emotions for?

Biologically, emotion is intended to incite action, give us important information about our environment, motivate us, drive us, and help us communicate with others. However, most of us have learned to ignore this inner guidance system and try to avoid feeling negative emotions altogether..

We try at all costs to shut down this internal processing system of our body when we begin to feel signs of vulnerability, fear or rejection. We do not allow ourselves to unleash these natural emotions, which in their own way convey a valuable message to us. And we do this by binge-watching television, or better yet, YouTube channels, engaging in social media, alcohol, or drugs, or engaging in any addictive behavior. We also avoid excitement, by distracting ourselves with pointless activities..

When emotions invade us

But while we deny the emotion, we cannot ignore the consequences. Unpleasant emotions don't go away just because we ignore them. The body will store this unrecognized emotion as a way to preserve it, so that it can fulfill its function at a later time. But emotion is not designed to be stored in our body as just another "package". That is why many end up getting sick from this. Anger, depression, anxiety, sadness and shame are some of the emotions that we tend to avoid, and if possible, ignore.

But when these emotions persist, we must realize that we cannot prevent them from invading us. These emotions will continue to gain power and will be present in our body until we treat them as they deserve..

On the other hand, we must bear in mind that no matter the intensity of these emotions, ultimately they are just that: emotions. They are not something to fear. Human beings are capable of feeling extreme emotions, without allowing them to harm us. You have to experience them, interpret their message, and then watch them disappear forever..

How to process a painful emotion

Here are some tips to help you release emotion that has not been well processed:

1. Give yourself permission

In a quiet place without distractions, get comfortable and take some deep breaths to begin to become aware. When you feel calmer, give your body permission to feel any necessary emotions. A statement like, "I am ready to experience this emotion" sends direct instruction to the mind and body, which are intimately connected..

2. Explore your body

Analyze your body from head to toe. This will help you to become more aware of yourself, how you are at this precise moment, how you feel ... Your body will talk to you if you are listening. It is like a warning that you are working with your conscience. Do you feel different? Are you hot or cold Tingling or pain? It can be subtle or it can be intense. Locate the area in which you are most attracted. Unprocessed emotions are commonly stored in our organs, hence the dreaded psychosomatic disorders..

3. Feel the excitement

Place your hands on the area of ​​your body where you are noticing something more intense. Inhale and exhale deeply a few times. You can begin to feel the stored emotion. Breathe Let the excitement soar. You may start to feel awkward and fearful. Try to observe and release all thoughts that arise from fear. Let the feeling stay there. Accept it and lean even more on it. Sadness, anger, grief, fear, humiliation, or whatever emotion you have, don't neutralize it, let it out. You may want to cry, scream, or move in a certain position, all of this is normal..

4. Find the origin

You may want to leave this process after step 3 if you feel too overwhelmed. But if you quit now, uncomfortable emotions can lead to unhealthy beliefs, such as, "I'm not good enough," "I'm not lovable," or "I'm not worth it." So, continue the process, breathe and let yourself be carried away by the feeling. It is not strange that depending on what themes, situations or people may come to mind. Recognize and contemplate these connections. If a limiting belief has come to mind, release it. Say something like: "I am worthy" or "I am loved" or "I am worth it." Use whichever statement is most effective for you.

5. Release her

Regardless of whether we have discovered the source of the emotion, now is the time to release it. Emotions want to be felt and recognized in order to be released. That's why it's good to go through all this. Remember, thanks to your body your emotions will be able to communicate with you. So, encourage your body to open up again in the future..

Discovering that the limiting beliefs that are responsible for our emotional blockage is the fastest way to ensure that the emotion is permanently released. If you cannot find the source of a painful emotion, it is likely to increase again. But each time you practice these steps, you will find it easier to discover, process, and eliminate these powerfully persistent emotions and limiting beliefs, thus learning how to feel the emotions as they arise, and more importantly, they will not drag you to the bottom from the abyss or lower your expectations for the future. On the contrary, you will feel lighter, freer and happier..

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