Fibromyalgia the emotional profile of people with a predisposition to suffer it

Anthony Golden
Fibromyalgia the emotional profile of people with a predisposition to suffer it


  • What is fibromyalgia?
  • Emotional causes of the affected
  • Emotional profile
  • Awareness

What is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterized by: musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, morning stiffness, sensitivity disturbances, memory problems, sleep disturbances, and mood swings. It is believed to affect approximately 2% to 4% of the world's population. It is mainly female, since about 95% of those affected are women. The average age at which symptoms begin to appear is between 30 and 50 years.

People who suffer from fibromyalgia also suffer because they feel that no one believes them, given that some type of injury, damage or muscular or bone impairment is not detected externally. Those affected endure the pain and make an effort to continue with their activities, because: you have to work, take care of the children, clean ... etc. Fortunately, fibromyalgia does not represent a risk to the life of the individual and does not cause muscle or joint damage; although it greatly decimates the quality of life.

From a medical point of view, the cause of this alteration is not known, but it is thought that there are quite a few factors involved. In the emotional aspect, people who suffer from this syndrome suffer a general conflict of devaluation.

Emotional causes of the affected

Individuals who suffer from fibromyalgia, at a certain point in their existence, take a path that does not satisfy them. Likewise, they may have suffered a conflict of deep separation or imposed contact, that is, they force themselves to attend to someone or assume an unwanted situation.

Fatigue also indicates a conflict of existence, refuge or feeling alone. This means that the affected person feels that his life is in danger, he feels abandoned or is abandoned, he can also be a refugee or emigrant; in which case, he feels that he has lost his history, his territory, his family or social reference.

In the same way, they are overly responsible people with family obligations, too helpful, they live their life through others. This is evidenced by one symptom, morning stiffness..

Emotional profile

As its name implies, fibromyalgia is the affliction of the fibers, the familiar grips. In other words, it is about a being that is in a place, but is still linked in some way, with its family. It is as if there was a rope that tightens it and ties it to a family reference, which can be: the father, the mother, a brother, etc., and every time the person pulls to get loose, it hurts. Similar to the torture of dismemberment, where the limbs of the person were tied and some horses pulled on each side until the limbs of the punished were torn off. Well, that's how cruel fibrous pain can be in a person with fibromyalgia.

They are people who are usually blocked in family histories with a "I have to submit to the situation." Her typical phrases will say: "If I don't do it, nobody does it; I'm the only one who knows how to do it; I'm the one who has the responsibility; I have to ...; if I'm not the one pulling the strings ...; I'm totally powerless; I have to suffer this situation ".

In the previous expressions, the double obligation can be observed, that is, the person feels that he is going to the person he wants, but in the same way, this is his executioner. In their expressions, there is the typical phrase: "but I can't do anything else, because she is the person I want ..., so I'm forced to go to her".

Such is the case of a woman who has a parental relationship with her daughter, in other words, her daughter fulfills the role of mother with her. The woman wants to have another child, but her daughter gets angry and "forbids it." The woman loves her daughter, although she also wants to be a mother again. She feels compelled to do her daughter's will, but her maternal instinct also forces her to get pregnant. She suffers a double obligation. Another example, a girl took refuge in her grandfather before her parents' lack of love, every time she was with her grandfather she felt loved, recognized, the man played with her and they had a lot of fun, but, suddenly, he became her executioner, threw her to the ground and raped her. The girl loved grandfather, however, she could not be near him, because he became his punisher. Likewise, we have the case of many women today, those who work and want financial independence from their husbands. They want to develop professionally and / or get their own money, however, to achieve this, they leave their children in a nursery, with a domestic worker or with a relative. Some of these women feel that they are abandoning their child, but if they stay home taking care of him, they abandon their professional aspirations. The aforementioned women feel a double obligation. Your child or your job becomes your executioner.

In the previous examples we observed that there are two contradictory information that generate frustration and impotence and tension is suffered by the fibers. There is a part that is satisfied and the other is not. Those affected by fibromyalgia want to compensate for both situations at the same time, and in most cases, this is not possible. This creates a high level of stress. The unconscious solves this conflict by responding with fatigue or tiredness. The biological meaning of this is, "don't move in any direction"; Well, the person feels that if he goes in one direction he loses something and if he goes in the other, also.


Those affected by fibromyalgia need to be aware that their emotional problems are solved by taking each situation, one at a time, not both at the same time. The first thing is to learn to live the present moment, every moment, learn to enjoy what you are living. In the event that the problematic situation is in the priorities, then establish this order. For example, if a woman has a baby and feels that she is abandoning him when she goes to work, the priority is the child, by nature; in which case, the mother can make arrangements to temporarily withdraw from work, work at home, take the opportunity to update herself, carry out an online study, etc., everything will depend on the type of person and the personal situation. When the event of family attachments that stop or block the individual occurs, it is necessary to begin to reduce family ties, acquiring personal awareness, looking for a method or therapy that helps them.

In any situation, the person affected by fibromyalgia requires staying in the present moment, learning to enjoy and heal the guilt. Likewise, understanding that the emotional problems that you experience require releasing the emotions that block you, accepting your limitations and in certain cases, surrendering to situations. Giving up does not mean giving up, but letting go, relaxing, not taking life so seriously, you do not have to comply 200% with everything you do, allow yourself a margin of error, understand your human nature and your own weakness. Your rating does not depend on how well you do, but on how valuable you feel.

The key to healing is to do everything with full awareness and not at the same time. It requires giving yourself acts of pleasure and beginning to reduce family ties; family fibers are obligations loaded with too much responsibility.

This article is supported by the writings of Dr. Salomón Sellan. Doctor of Medicine (1983) and diploma in Psychosomatic Medicine and Relaxation Therapy (1995).

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