Mental and emotional fatigue

Charles McCarthy
Mental and emotional fatigue

Mental and emotional fatigue is a state of chronic physical and psychological exhaustion, the result of excessive personal demands and continuous mental stress. It is the feeling of being emotionally exhausted and exhausted by the situations that surround us.

It is often the result of an overload of stressful events such as the breakdown of a relationship, the death of a loved one, or an unsuccessful job search. This type of fatigue affects many people, although it is more common and frequent in women, making them more susceptible to suffering from anxiety disorders, depression and, in some cases, suicide.


  • Signs and symptoms of emotional fatigue
  • Prevention and Treatment of emotional fatigue
    • Assume the situation and acknowledge the problem
    • Set limits
    • Take your time
    • Focus on the present moment
    • Drop the blame
    • Do not isolate yourself

Signs and symptoms of emotional fatigue

Each individual has a unique ability to cope with stress. When its capacity is exceeded, the system may stop working properly or even shut down completely.

The most common signs that appear when we suffer from mental and emotional fatigue are:

  • Sleep disorders
  • Nervousness
  • Feeling of physical and mental exhaustion
  • Anguish
  • Impotence
  • Headache and muscle pain
  • Digestive problems (diarrhea and nausea)
  • Palpitations
  • Isolation
  • Difficult to focus
  • Increased dependence on alcohol or drugs
  • Demotivation

Fortunately, mental and emotional exhaustion can be avoided by coping with the stress that causes it..

Prevention and Treatment of emotional fatigue

In order to prevent, cope with, and leave behind episodes of mental and emotional fatigue, it is advisable to lead an overall healthier life. Get enough sleep. Maintain a healthy diet. Reduce your consumption of alcohol and caffeine. But above all, do periodic exercise such as fast walking, swimming, cycling, etc..

Other things we can do are the following:

Assume the situation and acknowledge the problem

Stop to analyze the situation more calmly, what is happening and what may be the true cause of our exhaustion. At this point it is very important to avoid blaming others for our problems, since then we are giving them power over us and our emotions..

Set limits

Do not make excessive demands on ourselves, or allow others to make them. Accepting unreasonable demands lowers our self-esteem and deepens our exhaustion.

Take your time

Do something you like, spend time and money for a whim. Feeling good about yourself and distracting yourself from your problems can have great benefits..

Focus on the present moment

Do not worry yourself remembering situations that have already happened, nor worry all day about what the future will bring you, it will not bring you any good. This is advice that is given in most emotional self-help programs, and it actually works. If you are at home, enjoy the moment of being at home, if you are working, focus only on work. If you can focus on what is happening to you right now, you can significantly reduce your stress levels.

Drop the blame

The guilt of not being able to get to everything leads to a deep and twisted inner malaise. We must begin to be less demanding with ourselves, this will provide us with more energy, because instead of investing it in crushing ourselves, we will take advantage of it in taking care of ourselves.

Do not isolate yourself

Talking to people who are experiencing problems similar to ours is always helpful. One of the worst parts of emotional exhaustion is that people isolate themselves from others, thus deepening their discomfort. Don't think for a moment that you are the only person in the world who feels this way or that you are a failure. You have a common problem, and something can be done about it. So look for the company of your family and friends, you will see how you manage to see things from another perspective.

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