Heroin, types and effects of consumption

Anthony Golden
Heroin, types and effects of consumption

Heroin is the name for a modified version of morphine, which is an addictive and illegal opioid drug. It is extracted from a plant called "poppy", from which a resin called "opium bread" is extracted, which is the active substance. It is also a semi-synthetic opiate.

It is presented as a white, odorless, very fine powder, although its appearance may vary depending on the purification processes it has undergone. The main route of consumption is intravenous, although it can also be taken snorted or smoked.


  • How heroin works
  • Types of heroin
  • Short-term effects of heroin use
  • Side effects
  • Long-term effects of heroin use

How heroin works

It acts as a depressant of the Central Nervous System (CNS), it is relaxing. Initially it produces a sensation of intense pleasure ("flash") and euphoria, followed by apathy and drowsiness. After a period of consumption, the feeling is of well-being, of being in a dream away from everything.

The individual who takes it develops a tolerance and dependence very quickly, since it has a high addictive power.

Types of heroin

  • Brown heroin: is a type of heroin that comes from Africa. It must be heated before dissolving it and it is customary to use a blade for that, the dose is put on top and heated with a lighter underneath the blade. It dissolves in citric acid (lemon juice). Its use is very cumbersome and also citric acid can burn the arteries. Citric acid powder is currently supplied to heroin addicts, to make its use more hygienic.
  • White heroin: it is a type of heroin that is easier to dissolve, since it is made with distilled water or other liquids. It is usually dissolved in a bottle stopper and loaded with a stripped cigarette filter so that clumps from the dilution do not flow into the syringe. This filter is kept by heroin addicts because after 8 or 9 shots they can extract the remaining drug and have an extra dose.

Short-term effects of heroin use

The addictive nature of this substance is partly due to its ability to create intense pleasurable sensations. Heroin manages to bring the user to a state of great well-being by binding to opioid receptors in the body. Once the chemical interaction has taken place, the affected nerve cells release a neurotransmitter called dopamine. This sense of reward that is generated can reactivate and later reinforce a growing addiction, since the user continually seeks to repeat the sensation of pleasure and therefore the consumption of heroin.

The short-term effects are variable depending on the dose and the route of administration, but the first effect to appear is analgesia or immediate pain relief, as well as depression of the central nervous system that produces the following:

  • Intense feelings of euphoria.
  • Sensation of heat ("fever").
  • Feeling of heaviness in the extremities.
  • Decreased sensitivity to pain.
  • Sedation.

The pleasant sensations related to the "fever" will only be felt for a few minutes, but the comfort and sedation persist for several hours. The duration of the effects will depend on the purity, the dose and the route of administration, for example, if the drug is inhaled, smoked or injected. During the most intense effects of heroin, the user may experience periods of wakefulness and sleep, called "nodding.".

The effects of heroin diminish with continued use, as the user becomes more and more tolerant of the drug. For this reason, increasing amounts are needed to achieve the same effect, which can easily lead to overdose..

Side effects

Over time, the pleasant short-term effects of heroin are overshadowed by the many unwanted side effects of the substance. This is often because the body adjusts to the heroin in the system and takes steps to counteract the effects. Side effects of heroin use include:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Confusion.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Skin itch.
  • Sensitivity to light.
  • Lower than normal body temperature.
  • Slow breathing.
  • Slow heart rate.
  • Cyanotic (bluish) skin on the hands, feet, lips, etc..

The risk of death from overdose is a significant risk in people who use heroin, but the dosage is impossible to measure due to the difference in purity depending on how they find it on the black market at the time.

Many of the complications and side effects of heroin are compounded by the use of other substances, especially body depressants such as alcohol or sedatives. The combined effects can lead to dangerously slow breathing, lack of oxygen to the brain, heart problems, coma, and death..

Long-term effects of heroin use

There are a wide range of long-term effects of heroin use. People who use heroin for long periods of time may experience:

  • Damaged teeth and swollen gums.
  • Excoriations of the skin from scratching.
  • Severe constipation.
  • Weak immune system.
  • Sedation.
  • Lack of appetite and malnutrition.
  • Trouble sleeping.
  • Decreased sexual function.

Some of the biggest risks of long-term heroin use are liver or kidney problems from damage or infectious diseases. The brain can also be negatively affected due to lack of oxygen.

Frequent heroin users also have to deal with abscess problems, bacterial infections, and heart valve infections. Pregnant women who use heroin are at risk of miscarriage, putting their children at risk for communicable diseases, as well as drug addiction from birth.

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