Why do men and women think differently? Brain differences between genders

Sherman Hoover
Why do men and women think differently? Brain differences between genders

Of course, there is no simple answer to this question..


  • Men vs women
  • Differences in information processing
  • Chemical differences between the brains of men and women
  • Structural differences between the male and female brain
  • Blood flow
  • Neural activity

Men vs women

But in recent years, research has found the presence of some key differences that could explain why we expect men and women to think and behave in a characteristic and different way between genders..

Scientists generally study five main areas in the male and female brains to find the supposed differences: processing, chemistry, structure, blood flow, and neural activity..

Apparently, the differences between male and female brains in these areas are present for everyone, although scientists have also discovered exceptions.

The differences listed below are simply generalizations in typical brain function, and it is important to remember that they all have advantages and disadvantages..

Differences in information processing

Male brains use almost seven times more gray matter for their activity, while female brains use almost ten times more white matter. What does this mean?

Gray matter, or gray matter, is a type of neural tissue that can be found in the brain and spinal cord. It is made up mainly of neuronal bodies, not myelinated axons, so it cannot transmit nerve impulses quickly. This fact makes the gray matter related to the processing of information and reasoning, but not to its transmission. This can translate into a kind of tunnel vision in men when they are doing something. Once deeply engaged in a task, they cannot easily attend to other tasks or show great sensitivity towards other people or their environment..

The white matter or white matter is mainly composed of axonal processes with myelin. Its function is basically to transport nervous information. This is why women tend to transition more quickly between tasks than men..

The gray-white matter difference may explain why women are very good at multitasking, while men excel at projects focused on single tasks..

Chemical differences between the brains of men and women

Male and female brains process the same neurochemicals, but to different degrees and through gender-specific brain connections. Some of the neurochemicals that we all possess but to a different extent are serotonin, testosterone, estrogen, and oxytocin..

In part, due to differences in the processing of these chemicals, males tend to be less likely to sit still or sit for time compared to females, and they also tend to be more physically impulsive and aggressive (testosterone). In addition, males process oxytocin to a lesser extent, a chemical that helps promote relationships and bonding between people..

In general, one of the main differences in brain chemistry is that men need different strategies to release tension than women..

Structural differences between the male and female brain

Apparently, women generally have a larger hippocampus, which is the center of human memory. They also have a higher density of nerve connections in the hippocampus. As a result, girls and women tend to absorb more sensory and emotional information than men. By "sensory" we mean information to and from the five senses. Women tend to perceive what is happening around them much better than men, and retain that sensory information longer than they do..

In addition, before birth, brains develop the cerebral hemispheres differently depending on sex. The left hemisphere of the brain is the right and they are not configured exactly the same way. For example, women tend to have verbal centers on both sides of the brain, while men tend to have verbal centers only in the left hemisphere. This is a significant difference. For this reason girls tend to use more words when speaking or describing a story, person, object, feeling or place. Not only do men have fewer verbal centers in general, but they also often have less connectivity between their word centers and their memories or feelings. When it comes to discussing feelings and emotions, girls tend to have an advantage, in addition to being more interested in talking about these things..

Blood flow

The female brain, due to a greater degree of blood flow at a concentration in a part of the brain called the cingulate gyrus, tends to ruminate and revert to emotional memories more than the male brain..

Males, in general, are designed somewhat differently. Males tend, after reflecting more briefly on an emotional memory, to analyze it a bit, and then move on to the next task. During this process, they may also choose to change course and do something active and unrelated to feelings rather than taking a deep look at their feelings..

Neural activity

A recent study showed that in male brains there are stronger connections between the front and the back of the brain, suggesting that they are better able to connect what they see with what they do (which is what you need to do if you are a hunter: you see something, and you must answer correctly).

While on the contrary, women have more connections between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. The fact that they can connect the different regions on both sides of the brain makes them better at multitasking, as well as attending to emotions more effectively.

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