Adaptation process to preschool or kindergarten

Philip Kelley
Adaptation process to preschool or kindergarten

Since we are babies we are exposed to different emotional, family and social situations that become milestones of development, that is, moments that every human being normally tends to experience and that allow a healthy and optimal development in all aspects.

Within these milestones we find some such as: speaking for the first time, learning to walk, acquiring fine and / or gross motor skills, among others. Going to kindergarten throughout the first 5 years of a child's life, promotes development at an intellectual, motor, affective and socio-emotional level.

For this reason, below I will talk about the process of adaptation to kindergarten or preschool, what are its basic characteristics so that it is used to the maximum in our children.


  • Everything is a new experience
  • No pressure
    • In conclusion…
    • Bibliography

Everything is a new experience

It is essential that from home safety and autonomy are promoted from the simplest activities, that is, allowing your child from early childhood to learn to perform activities alone, which will promote him to make mistakes, know how to handle the frustration that this gives him build and retry until you successfully achieve what you want.

This can be instilled through training in instructional follow-up, sometimes some parents tend the erroneous belief that since their child is under 5 years of age we can help him do practically everything, however, this is quite detrimental to his development, because he will tend to create an insecure attachment to father figures and will not have the ability to explore the world around him for fear of being away from his parents.

There are 4 basic steps that can be carried out so that you can learn to follow instructions from another and at some point to establish certain habits or routines that will facilitate your adaptation process to kindergarten, these are: learning by imitation of an adult who shows you how to do it, role play, feedback from your parents and finally, experience a real life situation.

No pressure

Some experts suggest that the period of time that can last the adaptation to kindergarten or preschool can be a maximum of 2 weeks, but let's remember something important this is a joint work of both the garden and the parents and of course the child who attends this novel place for him.

We must ensure that he feels comfortable with the space and the activities that take place there, motivating him to learn new things, meet new friends and have unforgettable memories for his whole life; so that I will learn that the world is bigger than the house where you live with mom and dad.

But we must know that, as parents, if we choose to try to force them to go to kindergarten, we will turn this new experience as a type of punishment for the child from which they will not be able to get rid and that is when the adaptation process will be negative..

The ideal is to teach him everything that this new stage of his life encompasses, so that little by little he is released so that he gradually recognizes everything, one way to do this may be by taking him to be one hour and increasing the time spent in that place (clarifying that preferably each time it is the presence of the parents, obviously saying this to the child).

In conclusion…

It is essential that parents make their children participate in this new experience from the moment they decide that they will enter a kindergarten or preschool, that they know the place, tell them about the advantages and everything that will serve them. This will facilitate the adaptation process. Allowing the child not only to live this change in his life, but also to enjoy it, remember it and even yearn for it when he does not have it..

Going through a kindergarten or preschool is one of the first occasions in which the child is completely separated from the parents for a long period of time, and this can facilitate or hinder the development in other spaces, where they are with other people; So it all depends on how parents we support in the process. Let us remember that ... a happy childhood is the first step to achieve mental health!!


  • (1) Medina V. (2018). Adaptation of the baby to school. Step by Step. Extracted from:
  • (2) Corredor G. (2018). The prosocial behavior in children and its benefits. Extracted from:

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