Do you have a tough personality?

Simon Doyle
Do you have a tough personality?

A person cannot choose his circumstances, but he can choose his thoughts and indirectly, and safely, shape his circumstances. James allen

A fable ...

Once upon a time there was a peasant who had some horses to help him on his small farm. One day a foreman came to give him the news that the best of his horses had fallen into a well.

The farmer went to the place he saw that the horse was fine and tried with all his might to get the horse out. When he didn't succeed, he understood that it wasn't worth rescuing him. Then, saddened, he asked the foreman to throw dirt on him to bury him right there.

The foreman began to pour sand. The horse did not allow itself to be buried and used the earth to climb, until it finally managed to get out.

And what do you do, do you shake the earth or let it bury you?

What characterizes a resistant personality

A person who despite suffering disorders that could destabilize him, resists and comes out afloat. These types of people live like other events that can affect them, for example a divorce, a dismissal at work, etc. But they put a face to life and accept what happens to them stoically.

What traits have this type of personality

A psychologist named Kobasa discovered that individuals with resistant personalities have common characteristics. These people have commitment, control and challenge. These qualities make these types of people know how to fit in with what happens to them and live with it as best as possible.

  • Commitment: means believing in what you do and committing to it. The commitment encompasses various aspects of life, work, relationships with others, responsibility with the obligations that arise daily. These people not only cope successfully with stressful situations but can also help others cope with these types of events..
  • Control: people with control have an intrinsic motivation. That is, what motivates them is something internal. What moves and drives them are themselves. They believe that they are responsible for what happens to them and that they can cope with it. These people think that they are competent that they have the ability to overcome what happens to them.
  • The challenge: these people consider change to be inherent in life. They understand changes not as defeats but as beneficial challenges for their personal development.

These three characteristics are what can make us get out of the well, do you dare?

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