The scopolamine or burundanga is an alkaloid that has a therapeutic use due to its antimuscarinic and anticholinergic effects. Its most popularly know...
The flakka drug It is a highly stimulating substance of the central nervous system that causes multiple physical and psychological alterations. It can...
The Facebook addiction it is the excessive dependence when making use of this social network, to the point of neglecting aspects of daily life such as...
The heroin effects They have harmful repercussions both on the individual and on society, taking thousands of lives each year or assuming a great econ...
Recopilation of celebrities who have been drug addicts, several of them cocaine addicts,along the history. Celebrities who combined success with narco...
The drug addict behavior, whether cocaine addict, heroin addict, addicted to marijuana or other drugs, it is characterized by sudden mood swings, redu...
The drug tolerance It occurs when a drug has been consumed continuously, producing a reduction in its effects in the body. In this way, it is necessar...
The Ritalin it is the most popular drug for treating ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). It is important to know how long the effects of ...
The spice or synthetic marijuana is a drug made from a mixture of herbs and ground plant material, to which chemicals are added to mimic the effect of...