The situation of adult training centers has evolved in parallel with the social and technological transformations that Spain has experienced in recent...
Piaget's theory proposes that the cognitive development of the child it occurs in four universal and qualitatively different general stages or periods...
The rules of coexistence in the home for children they are essential to promote positive behavior, avoid negative behavior and raise mentally and phys...
The Warnock report It is a document prepared by the British Education Commission in 1978 referring to the special educational needs of children. This ...
The emotional attachment It is a specific type of bond within affective bonds, of a social nature and involves the search for protection, care, safety...
Can't you study? Learn how to focus to study for an exam is one of the best habits you can adopt; you will get better grades and you will also have mo...
Understand how children learn it is one of the fundamental missions of disciplines such as evolutionary psychology and educational psychology. During ...
The Curricular adaptations (also called curricular adaptations) are tools used in education to help students with special educational needs. In genera...
The learning evidences they are tests that determine if a student is learning. First, a teacher must determine how he can know that his students are l...