Getting ESO online is already a reality in Spain

Jonah Lester

The situation of adult training centers has evolved in parallel with the social and technological transformations that Spain has experienced in recent decades.

If in the sixties and seventies, those who received training were adults who in their youth could not learn to read and write; the implementation of the LOGSE led adults who had finished EGB to continue with ESO or Baccalaureate.

Adults today have a varied training offer to obtain the Graduate in ESO, which ranges from the Adult Education Centers (CEPA) -which bring together most of the applicants for the degree- to the privately owned centers.

Within private training, students can go to academies (or receive training from private teachers at home) in order to prepare the free tests that the autonomous communities convene annually, or follow the training for the test in course centers remotely like CEAC or CCC.

Another option, which is more in demand every year, are the centers authorized by the Education Administration to examine the official academic title, as is the case with INAV. The INAV private center, in addition to training its students, finally grants the official academic title of ESO and also does so through a totally online methodology, valid for all Spanish territory and foreign countries.  

How to study ESO online with INAV?

Two promotions already have obtained the official ESO title online, studying and examining from home, thanks to new technologies applied to the classroom in one of the most innovative centers in Spain. 

INAV has a staff of specialist teachers and tutors with degrees in the subjects that the student is studying, who are the ones who evaluate and examine to obtain the title..

The majority profile in INAV are twenty-somethings, coming from school failure, who seek to access the Baccalaureate or the vocational training cycles; followed by active or unemployed workers between the ages of 30 and 40.

The course is specially designed for adults who want to combine ESO studies with work and family obligations. But we also find 50-year-olds who did not complete secondary education at the time and seek to complete knowledge.

Time flexibility, travel savings and a variety of content formats are some of the advantages that students find. As soon as the student enrolls in the course, which concentrates the syllabus of the last two courses of ESO, the Blinklearning platform allows them to consult the digital didactic material and start receiving lessons consisting of short video tutorials.

In INAV there is no established study schedule although it is necessary to dedicate a minimum continuous time throughout the course. The student has a personal tutor who will accompany him and carry out his continuous monitoring and evaluation, indicating in a personalized way the advisable hours per week to dedicate to study, perform exercises and self-evaluations.

How is the exam done online??

At the end of the course, each student decides if they want to do the Mandatory final exam in person or online, using a facial recognition system.

In the case of the online exam, the student examines himself on his home computer or anywhere, that is, he does not have to go anywhere to take the exam. The technology allows to constantly identify the student who is being examined in front of the computer, which avoids any cheating.

The system, which has been developed by the Smowltech company, in addition to verifying the identity of the person on the other side of the webcam with their computer, detects whether during the exam the student visits other web pages, leaves the site or is accompanied.

With this new methodology of ESO over the Internet, INAV has achieved that the pass rate is around 66%, a much higher percentage than that of students who take free tests, where around 13% pass.

The objective of INAV is not only to help students obtain the title of Graduate in ESO, but also to contribute to improving their self-esteem by achieving a professional qualification that allows them to integrate into the labor market.

Once the degree is obtained, students can continue their studies at the higher levels of education with the Baccalaureate and FP, as well as take the examinations of Subgroup C2.

Enrollment term open

According to the director of INAV, José María de Moya, the center "has been able to take advantage of the opportunities of online training to bring knowledge to adults who, otherwise, would have it very difficult to study due to their work or family commitments". 

"E-learning is proving to be the most effective methodology for this segment of the population to achieve the Graduate in ESO. They are familiar with new technologies (a high percentage have a computer or tablet), they need a flexible schedule and they have the urgency to start a single course ”, he adds.

The INAV registration period to study ESO online is open so that students start preparing from day one. People of legal age -and in certain cases minors- who are interested in this course to obtain the title of Graduate in ESO can inform themselves without obligation through the center's website ( 

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