The single-celled fungi They are composed of a single cell and are yeasts, all other types of fungi are multicellular. Yeasts are single-celled member...
The periosteum It is a form of connective tissue that develops as a thin sheet around the bones, which it covers almost completely. It is absent in th...
The air sacks they are permanent air cavities within organisms. The presence of these sacs in the bones is called pneumaticity, and their formation pr...
The gills or gills are the respiratory organs of aquatic animals, they have the function of carrying out the exchange of oxygen between the individual...
The operculums of fish are bones that have the main mission of protecting the gill structures or gills. They are also responsible for ensuring the cir...
The goblet papillae, Also called circumvalate papillae, they are located on the back of the tongue, in the region closest to the throat. They are the ...
The fungiform papillae are mushroom-shaped projections that occur on the dorsal surface of the tongue. Due to the multiple blood vessels that supply t...
The foliated papillae, foliar or foliaceous appear as short vertical, leaf-shaped folds, located parallel to the lateral edges on the back of the tong...
The filiform papillae, Also called conical papillae, they are sensory receptors that are distributed over two thirds of the lingual dorsum. They are t...