The arithmophobia, numberphobia or phobia of numbers it is a condition of pathological fear of numbers, mathematics or arithmetic. This alteration con...
The demophobia or enoclophobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by experiencing an irrational, excessive and uncontrollable fear of crowds. Those ...
The rupophobia It is a psychological disorder characterized by an irrational, excessive and unjustified fear of dirt. It constitutes an anxiety disord...
The gerascophobia it is the irrational and excessive fear of getting old. It constitutes an anxiety disorder, so the fear experienced in this alterati...
The erythrophobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by an irrational, extreme and unjustified fear of blushing. People who suffer from this disorde...
The penteraphobia it is irrational fear and aversion to mothers-in-law. This can be unjustified and persistent, being a problem for the affected perso...
The ophidiophobia or snake phobia is the irrational, intense and persistent fear of snakes. Such is the fear for this reptile that just the idea of ...
The podophobia it is the irrational fear of the feet, including feelings of disgust, rejection and revulsion. Podophobes can feel rejection both by th...
The uranophobia it is the irrational fear of the mystical idea of a paradise or heaven and of not being worthy of it. As is reasonable, this is a fe...