Henry the Navigator (1394-1460) was a Portuguese infant who promoted the territorial expansion of Portugal through Africa and the Atlantic islands bet...
William thomson (1824-1907) was a British mathematician and physicist born in Belfast (Ireland). Also known as Lord Kelvin for the title of nobility g...
Luis de Velasco and Ruíz de Alarcón (1511-1564) was the second viceroy of New Spain since this ceased to be a position that was designated in a heredi...
Benjamin G. Hill (1874-1920) was a military man who fought in the Mexican Revolution fought in Mexico between 1910 and 1917. He held important positio...
Andres Manuel del Rio (1764-1849) was a chemist and mineralogist known for being the discoverer of vanadium. The scientist was born in Spain in 1765, ...
James cook (1728-1779) was an English navigator, explorer, cartographer and captain, belonging to the British Royal Navy. Although he was a student of...
Marc bloch (1886-1944) was an important historian of French origin who stood out for presenting history with a new vision. He made sure that his stori...
George VI of the United Kingdom (1895-1952) was the fourth King of England belonging to the House of Windsor. He came to the throne in late 1936, afte...
Thomas savery (1650-1715) was an important English engineer; he along with Thomas Newcomen is credited with the invention of the first atmospheric ste...