The myofibrils They are the structural units of muscle cells, also known as muscle fibers. They are very abundant, are arranged in parallel and are em...
The electron transport chain It consists of a set of protein molecules and coenzymes within a membrane. As its name implies, it is responsible for the...
The heparan sulfate it is a proteoglycan of the extracellular matrix. In addition, it exists on the cell surface of various cells, including cutaneous...
The autophagy it is an intracellular degradation system that occurs in a conserved manner in the lysosomes of all eukaryotic cells (and the vacuoles o...
The semi-permeable membranes, Also called "selectively permeable", they are membranes that allow the passage of some substances, but prevent the passa...
The Auer sticks or Auer bodies are abnormal granules of lysosomal origin that appear inside the immature leukocytes of the myeloid series in pathologi...
The chondrocytes they are the main cells of cartilage. They are responsible for the secretion of the extracellular matrix of cartilage, formed by glyc...
The white adipose tissue, or white fat, is a type of connective tissue with glandular activity formed by cells called adipocytes. Such cells are chara...
The basal lamina it is a thin layer of extracellular matrix proteins secreted by epithelial cells. It is found by separating the cells from the epithe...