Vaccinium myrtillus It is a species of deciduous shrub that produces edible berries and belongs to the Ericaceae family. Commonly known as cranberry, ...
Lavandula dentata It is a species of bushy and aromatic plant with a robust appearance that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Commonly known as English...
Pseudotsuga menziesii or Douglas fir, is a conifer belonging to the Pinaceae family. This pine is known as Douglas fir, Oregon pine, red royal pine, c...
Euonymus japonicus is a species of ornamental shrub plant that belongs to the Celastraceae family. Known as the bonnet of Japan, evónimo, evónivo or J...
Liquidambar styraciflua It is a deciduous tree that belongs to the Altingiaceae family. Known as amber tree, storach tree, storach, sweetgum, ocozol o...
Brosimum alicastrum or capomo is a perennial arboreal species that belongs to the Moraceae family. Known as capomo, Mayan walnut, Ojoche or Ramón, it ...
The gorse (Genista scorpius) is a medium-sized thorny shrub that belongs to the Fabaceae family. Known as gorse, arbulaga, argoma, gorse, hawthorn, gi...
Tipuana tipu it is a large tree species cultivated for ornamental or medicinal purposes that belongs to the Fabaceae family. Known as palo rosa, tipa,...
The capillarity of plants it is a physical phenomenon that allows a liquid, in this case water, to rise through a very thin tube to nourish the plant....