Trifolium repens It is a species of perennial legume with a decumbent bearing that belongs to the Fabaceae family. Known as bogie, honeysuckle, white ...
Viburnum lucidumĀ It is a species of perennial shrub that belongs to the Adoxaceae family. Known as barbadija, duraznillo, durillo, guiyombo or laurent...
The reed (Phragmites australis) is a perennial rhizomatous grass of a geophytic nature that belongs to the Poaceae family. Known as borda cane, cane, ...
Boletus satanas is a species of extremely toxic basidiomycete fungus of the Boletaceae family. Known as Satan's boletus or pig male, it is a poisonous...
Ranunculus is a genus of more than 400 species of herbaceous and perennial plants that belong to the Ranunculaceae family. Commonly known as French, m...
Populus is a genus made up of a group of tall deciduous trees belonging to the Salicaceae family. Commonly known as poplars or poplars, they comprise ...
Echium vulgare It is a species of biennial herbaceous plant of weed condition that belongs to the Boraginaceae family. Known vulgarly as bugloss, suck...
Diplotaxis erucoides is a species of invasive herbaceous plant that belongs to the Brassicaceae family. Known as billoreta, dandelion, white dandelion...
The foreign plants of Peru They are plants that are not native to the country, they have been brought from other regions and have adapted to the Peruv...