Alexander FlemingĀ (1881-1955) was a Scottish bacteriologist and pharmacologist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1945 along with his colleague...
Euclid of Alexandria He was a Greek mathematician who laid important foundations for mathematics and geometry. Euclid's contributions to these science...
Niels Bohr (1885-1962) was a Danish physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922, for his research related to the structure of atoms and their...
Mario Molina is a Mexican scientist who was born in Mexico City in 1943. He was educated in his native country, and later in Germany and the United St...
Rudolf clausius (1822-1888) was a German physicist and mathematician who formulated the second law of thermodynamics and is considered by many to be o...
Ludwig boltzmannĀ (1844-1906) was an Austrian scientist considered the father of statistical mechanics. His contributions in the field of science were ...
The graphic scale It is a visual representation that allows to know what is the proportion of the lengths in a plane with respect to the real lengths....
Archimedes of Syracuse (287 BC - 212 BC) was a Greek mathematician, physicist, inventor, engineer and astronomer from the ancient city of Syracuse, on...
Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) was a New Zealand scientist who made great contributions to the field of physics and chemistry through his studies of ra...