Among the main man-made disasters using science and technology The fatal Chernobyl accident, the Fukushima I nuclear accident and the Kuwait oil fires...
Condensation is seen daily on the surface of bottles or glassware with cold liquids What is condensation? The condensation It is the physical change o...
The systems theory o general systems theory is the area of science that studies the structure and properties of systems in terms of their relationsh...
What are the general and specific objectives? The general and specific objectives constitute elementary parts of an academic work, such as the final d...
Illustrated image of the Copernicus model that appears in De revolutionibus orbium coelestium. Source: Kalki, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons Wh...
The archaeological anthropology it is a science in construction that uses techniques from both archeology and anthropology. It seeks to know the inter...
What are the general properties of matter? The general properties of matter are mass, volume, weight, impenetrability or hardness, mobility, elastici...
What is non-experimental research? The non-experimental research It is one in which the study variables are not controlled or manipulated. To develop...
What is volume? The volume of a body is the numerical value that measures the amount of space occupied by it. The height, width and depth determine t...