Egopods are animals whose legs resemble those of goats. Egópodo is also an old-fashioned word in botany; corresponds to a genus of plants of the apiac...
A safe diet It is one that has no health risks or side effects. When referring to something as "safe", it does not represent health risks. That said, ...
The rope word It has its origin in the Mexican Nahuatl language “mecatl”. This word is made up of the words "metl" and "catl", which mean "Maguey" and...
The word dichotomy is a feminine noun whose meaning indicates the separation of a concept or object of study into two parts. These two parts can be co...
The phrase "forgive the redundancy" means that repetition is valid, and is used to anticipate or offer an apology for repeating a word or idea within ...
The closed questions are those that are raised in such a way that the person surveyed or questioned must respond based on a series of options presente...
The anthropic term refers to the human and all the actions that he performs, some of these related to changes to the environment. It is common to asso...
Harass It is a verb that has several meanings, one of them is to deliver blows with an object to give movement to something or someone. Likewise, the ...
The simultaneity occurs when two or more elements, actions or events that are related coincide. These events usually happen at the same time; therefor...