The utopian socialism it is socialism that focuses on planning and building a perfect and egalitarian society, but without concern for methodology, cl...
The final consumer It is the person or entity that does not buy a product to sell it to another for profit, but is for its own use. It is the last lin...
The economic activities of Argentina they refer to the various tasks on which the economy of this country is based. They play a very important role in...
The capital gain is the term that refers to the surplus produced beyond what is required to survive, which is converted into profits. Therefore, they ...
The primary economic activities they are described as the economic use of the natural resources that our planet offers, such as water, vegetation, con...
The economy of the Pacific region of Colombia refers to the economic activities carried out in the Colombian territory that includes the section that ...
The economic structure it is the whole underlying general framework, where communication systems, industrial facilities, education and technology are ...
The neoliberalism The neoliberal model is an economic and political doctrine that advocates the absolute free market, without any state intervention i...
The characteristics of liberals and conservatives they are no longer so adverse; Although there are still points of divergence, such as the conception...