The socioeconomic indicators they are statistical measures referring to the social and economic dimension of a human society. It is an element of anal...
A oligopoly It is the concentration of the market in a few companies, which control the products or services that are offered to the consuming public....
The positive economy it is the study of economics based on objective analysis. Make an explanation and description of economic phenomena. It is focuse...
The production sectors They are the areas of the economy in which companies share the same related product or service. They can also be thought of as ...
The Quality Products are salable goods that have a set of functions and characteristics that determine their suitability and that can be controlled by...
The frictional unemployment is short-term unemployment caused by the actual process of leaving one job to start another, including the time it takes t...
The structural unemployment it is a type of long-term unemployment that has multiple causes, such as the inability of companies to provide jobs that m...
The cyclical unemployment is a factor of general unemployment that is related to the regular ups and downs, or cyclical trends, existing in growth and...
The seasonal unemployment it means that the demand for a specific type of work and workers varies according to the change of the season. It occurs whe...