The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization based in Washington DC. It was created in 1944, with the aim of rebuilding the ...
The market theory It is the economic theory that refers to the determination of the prices and quantities to be produced of goods and services, and th...
The economic doctrines are approaches that integrate the technical and ethical principles that theoretically are more conducive and convenient to join...
The primitive economic systems are the prehistoric rules that integrated the use of technique and natural resources, to ensure continuous cooperation ...
The relative goodwill It is an increase in wealth that is produced by reducing the value of labor power, through improvements made in the production o...
The absolute capital gain It is the profit that is obtained by means of the prolongation of the working day. This is one of the techniques that employ...
The inelastic demand It is a situation in which the demand for a product does not increase or decrease reciprocally with a fall or rise in its price. ...
The import substitution model It is the government strategy that seeks to replace some imports by stimulating local production for domestic consumptio...
The balance of trade is the monetary difference between the total value of exports and imports of a nation during a given period, without taking into ...