The credit institutions They are establishments that carry out financial transactions, such as investments, loans and deposits. Almost all entities in...
The expansionary monetary policy It is a policy implemented by the monetary authorities to expand the money supply and boost economic activity, mainly...
The consumer society It is one that is based on the promotion of excessive and unnecessary consumption of goods and services offered by the market. On...
The World Bank defines a high-income economy country as a nation that has a per capita gross national income of $ 12,056 or more in 2017. This is calc...
The economic scarcity refers to the gap between limited resources, that is, scarce, and theoretically unlimited human desires. This represents a basic...
The consumer markets they are markets dominated by products and services designed for the regular consumer. They are generally divided into four main ...
The quinary sector it is the part of the economy where decisions are made at the highest level. This includes the government that passes legislation. ...
The equilibrium quantity is an economic term that represents the quantity of an item that is demanded at the point of economic equilibrium. It is the ...
The tertiary sector in Mexico It was estimated that it represented 59.8% of the country's Gross Domestic Product in 2013. This service sector employed...