Saint Thomas of Aquino (1225-1274) was a theologian, doctor of the Church, Dominican friar, Catholic priest, and one of the most influential philosoph...
Gottfried Wilhem Leibniz (1646-1716) was a German mathematician and philosopher. As a mathematician, his most famous contributions were the creation o...
Karl Popper (1902-1994) was an Austrian-British philosopher, considered one of the most important and influential thinkers of 20th century philosophy....
Judith Butler is a renowned North American philosopher who has stood out for her work in the areas of gender equality, identity and power. Butler's id...
Democritus of Abdera (c. 460 BC - 370 BC) was a Greek philosopher, also known as the “laughing philosopher” or “the laughing philosopher”, because he ...
Topus Uranus is a philosophical term used by Plato to refer to the world of ideas. The Greek philosopher distinguished between the material world, in ...
The categorical imperative of Kant's ethics It is a supreme principle of morality that claims to be an autonomous commandment, independent of any reli...
Jean paul sartre (1905 - 1980) was a French philosopher, playwright, novelist, and political activist, known for being one of the leading figures in t...
The ethical relativism It is the theory that maintains that there is no absolute universal rule in the moral rectitude of society. Consequently, it is...