I leave you the best Bon Jovi quotes, personal and other compiled from several of his songs. His songs include It's my life, Alway, s Livin 'on a pray...
I leave you the best Archimedes phrases (287 BC-212 BC), one of the great mathematicians of antiquity and history. He was also a physicist, engineer, ...
I leave you the best Al Capone quotes, probably the best known mobster of all time. Son of Italian immigrants and also known as "Scarface" (Scarface),...
I leave you the best James Dean quotes (1931-1955), one of the most famous actors in Hollywood history. His films include Rebel without a cause, Giant...
I leave you the best Sai Baba phrases (1926-2011), the South Indian spiritual leader who gained followers all over the world. In 114 countries around ...
I leave you the best Vince Lombardi quotes (1913-1970), Green Bay Packers football coach during the 1960s, five-time winner of the NFL championship, p...
I leave you the best Paramahansa Yogananda quotes (1893-1952) Hindu yogi and guru, propagator of yoga in the West, in particular of kriya yoga. Yo...
I leave you the best phrases from Chapulín Colorado, the eternal series so many times broadcast both in Spain and in Latin America. With more than 26...
Jim Rohn is considered the father of self-help, due to the high quality of information and practices that he has been able to convey to the public. He...