The january sayings They usually refer to the hope and motivation of starting a new year, the characteristic climate according to the areas of each he...
The april sayings They are mostly conditioned by the particular climate of this month, being one of the rainiest of the year and where flowering begin...
The february sayings they refer to a purely winter month in the northern hemisphere of the planet and where well-known saints are celebrated, such as ...
I leave you with the best motorcycle racing phrases spoken by professional motorcyclists, whether they are riders or celebrities known for their fondn...
I leave you with the best masonic phrases, which have been said, either by recognized members of a Masonic lodge, or that are in accordance with the i...
I leave you with a list of reasons why i love you or I love you to your girlfriend, wife or that girl that you like so much. These reasons will help y...
I leave you the best christening phrases, ideal to dedicate to babies and children, as well as their parents and family, who are baptized in the Chris...
I leave you with the best catholic phrases, ideal for reflecting on Catholic faith and teachings. A series of quotes that include biblical passages, p...
I leave you with the best phrases of the catholic saints more prominent. The themes of these phrases revolve primarily around faith, our duty to God, ...