The mathematical geography It is a branch of geography that focuses on the study of the dimensions of the Earth. It includes the analysis of its movem...
The Mississippi River It is located in eastern North America, winding across the United States from north to south. Its own channel has an approximate...
The information of the Mexican territory that we can obtain from a globe is reflected in the astronomical and geographical position, the topography, t...
The climate of the Andean region of Colombia it is temperate and mountainous. It is characterized by its low temperatures, especially in areas near th...
The sub-Andean mountain ranges They are formed by a mountainous system (cords) in the north of Argentina, with 2,500 meters of height above sea level ...
The population geography is a social science whose main objective is to collect, study and analyze the variations in distribution, characteristics, co...
The planet Earth It is made up of an internal structure (core, crust, mantle), tectonic plates, the hydrosphere (seas, oceans) and the atmosphere. It ...
The continents they are separated from each other through geographical boundaries that can be seas, mountains, oceans, straits or imaginary lines. The...
The Bravo River, Also known as Rio Grande, it is located in North America, it is born in the United States and flows in a southeastern direction to em...