The cartographic projections are representations on a plane of the points that are on the surface of the Earth, which is curved. In this way, the coor...
The ocean relief It is the form of the marine crust that is produced due to the geological processes that act in its production. This oceanic crust is...
The sedimentary cycles They refer to the set of stages through which certain mineral elements present in the earth's crust pass. These phases involve ...
The Parana River It is located in the center of South America, from where it runs through the territories of three countries: Brazil, Paraguay and Arg...
The River Paraguay It is located in the center of South America, covering part of the territory of Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. It has its...
The Mekong it is the longest river in Southeast Asia. Its route extends through China, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, with a length of 4...
The Orinoco it is the most important river in Venezuela. It also runs through Colombia and has an approximate length of 2,100 km from its source to it...
The Ganges River, located on the Asian continent, it is one of the rivers considered sacred to Hinduism, with a total of seven. With its extension of ...
The tectonic plates or lithospheric are the blocks or fragments into which the lithosphere is divided, which move dragged by the earth's mantle. These...