The mountain forest or montane forest is a forest that is located in two of the three latitudinal zones of the Earth (intertropical zone and temperate...
The intertropical zone It is an imaginary geographical strip around the planet delimited by the Tropic of Cancer to the north and by the Tropic of Cap...
Is named abyssal plain to the portion of the continent that sinks into the ocean and forms a surface with a tendency to be flat, which is located at d...
The rupa rupa region, Also called high jungle, it is a region of Peru between the border area of Amazonas and Cajamarca, to the extreme south of the...
The archaic eon it was one of the first geological eras of the planet, belonging to the Precambrian, preceded only by the Hadic eon. It had its beginn...
The polar deserts They are considered among the most extreme environments, as they include some of the coldest and driest habitats on the planet. They...
The Guadalquivir depression, Also called the Betic depression, it is a geographical feature in southern Spain. It is a triangle-shaped plain that reac...
Melanesia is a subregion of Oceania located northeast of Australia and includes several islands that are in the Pacific Ocean. The name of this area, ...
The Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic Region It is located in the southern part of the country. It is one of the 15 regions in which Chile is administr...