The Phanerozoic Aeon It is a geological time scale that is located after the Proterozoic, which belongs to the Precambrian. It is perhaps the most int...
The Paleozoic era It is one of the three stages in which the Phanerozoic Aeon is divided. Etymologically speaking, Paleozoic comes from "Palaio", whic...
It is called Continental platform a type of surface belonging to the underwater bottom that is close to the coast and has depths of less than two hund...
The carbon in nature it can be found in diamonds, oil, and graphites, among many other settings. This chemical element occupies the sixth place in the...
The Pleistocene it is the first geological division of the Quaternary period. It was characterized by the low temperatures that covered the planet and...
The Cenozoic era, Known as Tertiary until a few decades ago, it is the last era into which the history of the Earth has been divided since its appeara...
The Paleocene it is a geological epoch that lasted from about 66 million years ago to about 56 million years ago. It is the first epoch within the Pal...
The Carboniferous it was the fifth of the six periods that make up the Paleozoic era. It owes its name to the large number of carbon deposits that hav...
The Cretaceous o Cretaceous is the last of the three divisions or periods that make up the Mesozoic Era. It had an approximate extension of 79 million...