Leona Vicar (1789-1842) was one of the protagonists of the fight for the independence of Mexico. In addition, she is considered the first journalist i...
Jose Maria Morelos (1765-1815) was one of the leading figures in the early years of the Mexican War of Independence. Morelos was born in Valladolid, t...
The Hellenism The Hellenistic period is a historical and cultural period that ranges from the death of Alexander the Great to the death of Cleopatra V...
The cacharpaya or kacharpaya designates a traditional Andean song and dance belonging to the rhythm of Guayno or Wayñ. Its origin is pre-Columbian, fr...
The Homo rudolfensis It was a hominin that lived in some areas of Africa during the Lower Pleistocene. It belongs to the genus Homo, that of the ances...
The Board of Zitácuaro, Also called the Supreme National American Board, it was the first attempt to establish a kind of governmental organs outside t...
The Armed Peace it was the period in European history that spans from 1870 to 1914, when the First World War broke out. The beginning is marked by the...
John Locke (1632-1704) was an English physician and philosopher considered the father of empiricism and political liberalism, and one of the most infl...
Nicolas Bravo (1786-1854) was a soldier and former president of Mexico, belonging to one of the wealthiest Creole families during the independence era...