Juan Antonio Pezet (1809-1879) was military and president of the Republic of Peru between 1863 and 1865 as a result of the death of Miguel de San Romá...
The Ebers papyrus is a compilation of Egyptian medical texts dating from 1550 BC. It is recognized today as one of the oldest and most important medic...
Jerónimo Carrión (1804-1873) was a 19th century politician and lawyer, who served as president of the Republic of Ecuador between 1865 and 1867. He wa...
Fray Toribio de Benavente (1482-1569) was a religious of the Franciscan order who took part in the evangelization of America. Also known by the nickna...
Thucydides (c. 460 BC-396 BC?) was an Athenian historian considered the father of scientific historiography. Apart from this facet, he was also a mili...
Charlemagne he successfully ruled his vast empire by carefully attending to the needs of his governed. Due to the prevailing social and political cond...
Otto Arosemena Gómez (1925 - 1984) was an Ecuadorian politician and lawyer, thirty-second president of the Republic of Ecuador in the period from Nove...
The role of the church in medieval culture was protagonist due to the power that this institution wielded in all political, cultural and economic aspe...
Antonio jose de sucre (1795-1830), known as the Great Marshal of Ayacucho, was a Venezuelan military and politician. He is famous for having been one ...