The history of Guayaquil It dates back to before the arrival of the Spaniards, which is why both its political structure and its territorial division ...
The history of the typewriter It dates back to 1829 with the creation of the typographer, considered the first typewriter. Typing is the activity by w...
The Mesoamerican cultural horizons they are the set of characteristic and temporal features that spatially define this region. The concept of Mesoamer...
The last division of the roman empire arises from the death of Emperor Theodosius I. The Empire was divided to improve communications and the military...
The conquest of America It was the process that ranges from the discovery of the continent with the first voyage of Christopher Columbus to the taking...
The Texas Independence It was a process that originated with the armed confrontations between the Texan settlers and the Mexican army. It spanned a pe...
The cYucatan onquista it was one of the phases of the conquest of America by the Spanish. The peninsula had been discovered in 1517, although the move...
The mayan economy it was very similar to that of many other civilizations with a contemporary level of development to this one. They did not have a co...
The discovery and conquest of Chile It was a historical period that began in 1520 with the maritime expedition of the Portuguese navigator Hernando (F...