The Ecuador's banana boom it was an important period of flowering and expansion of the cultivation and export of bananas. The country became the world...
The Mesoamerican Postclassic period It was the last stage of splendor of the civilizations that inhabited this part of Mexico and Central America befo...
The Guadalupe Plan It was a document promoted by Venustiano Carranza that rejected the presidency of Victoriano Huerta and called for a fight to remov...
The Treaties of Ciudad Juárez were an agreement signed by the government of Porfirio Díaz and Francisco I. Madero to end the hostilities unleashed aft...
The Chileanization of copper (1966) was a historical, economic and social process through which the Chilean state associated with North American capit...
The Trento council it was a council convened by Pope Paul III between 1545 and 1563, in response to the Protestant Reformation. Its initial purpose wa...
The calima culture It comprises the set of ancient pre-Columbian cultures that inhabited mainly in the department of Valle de Cauca, in western Colomb...
The Mycenaean civilization It was developed at the end of the Bronze Age, in the area of the Greek Peloponnese. This historical stage is part of the...
The Sovereign Aguascalientes Convention It was held between October 10 and December 9, 1914. The leaders of the Mexican constitutional movement met th...