The conquest of Guatemala it occurred between 1525 and 1530, after a bloody period of battles and confrontations between the Spanish conquerors and th...
The decolonization of Africa it was the political, historical, social and economic process through which new independent republics arose on that conti...
The Ayala Plan It was a document written by the Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata and by the teacher Otilio Montaño in which they established a se...
The historical stage from caudillos to the emergence of the PNR in Mexico it is a part of what is known as the Mexican Revolution, which took place du...
The Chilpancingo Congress, also called Anahuac Congress, was summoned by José María Morelos to replace the Board of Zitácuaro in September 1813. The p...
The Sandhurst Manifesto It was a document signed by the then prince Alfonso de Borbón and devised by the politician Cánovas del Castillo. The crown pr...
The australian theory It was the name given to the theory of the settlement of the American continent sustained by the Portuguese anthropologist Antón...
The labor movement in Mexico It originated in the second half of the 19th century and had its first manifestations in the early 20th century, during w...
The ssecond government of Alan García Pérez In Peru, it took place between 2006 and 2011. In the elections, he appeared as a candidate of the Peruvian...