The Truman doctrine was the name given to the foreign policy announced by the president of the United States Harry Truman during a speech delivered on...
Bartolomé Diaz, also known as Bartolomeu Dias, he was a Portuguese navigator and explorer. He is known for being the first European explorer to lead a...
Carlos Ibáñez del Campo He was a politician and military man by profession, and he served as president of Chile on two occasions. The first time was b...
Jorge Montt he was a vice admiral of the Chilean naval navy and president of Chile. He was part of the Government Junta in 1891 before being president...
The democracy in Chile it has evolved over time. From the independence era to the present, Chile has had a great variety of different governments with...
Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra He was an Ecuadorian politician who held the presidency of his country on five different occasions. Ibarra was born in Quito...
Calpulli refers to the organization of society that manifested itself during pre-Hispanic times in Mexico, which grouped families from various clans r...
The neoliberalism in Chile it began to be applied during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century. Previously, the...
The Sables noise (Chile) it was a symbolic protest carried out by a group of soldiers in 1924. The gesture was made inside the country's Senate, in fu...