The polypnea It is a clinical sign and symptom that consists of an increase in inspiratory rate and volume during respiration. It is produced by the a...
The epicrisis It is the clinical summary, complete and detailed, that is carried out at the discharge of a previously hospitalized person. This summar...
The Koplik spots are small lesions on the oral mucosa related to measles virus infection. These marks appear two to three days before the rash or rash...
The adynamia It is a medical term to refer to when the body does not have strength or has lost strength, either in general or in some of its parts. A ...
The sinus bradycardia It is the decrease in heart rate below normal values, but always following the patterns of the sinus node. This means that despi...
The Diphyllobothrium latum it is a flat parasite of the cestode class that can cause infections in humans. The disease it produces goes by several nam...
The episcleritis It is the inflammation of the episclera, which is the layer on the surface of the eye located between the transparent membrane on the...
The asterixis It is a clinical sign indicating a lapse in tonic innervation and is usually manifested by involuntary twitching of the wrist, metacarpo...
The lumbar discopathy It is a multiple pathological abnormal condition in the lumbar disc. It is common in the elderly and can occur from a variety of...