The geoenvironmental sciences They are an interdisciplinary field of science in which several disciplines are applied together to determine the proble...
The dwater waste It has been pointed out by different international agencies as one of the main problems in the management of this vital element. For ...
The enviromental culture It is related to the educational process aimed at awakening in human beings an awareness of the environment. This process tri...
The anthropic erosion it is the erosion caused by human activities. In general terms, soil erosion is a natural process that is linked to the evolutio...
The ocean ridges correspond to the system of underwater mountain chains that, within each of the oceans where they are located, draw the limits of the...
The paramo It is a type of natural system of certain complexity, exclusive to the mountains, where particular forms of life and peoples develop whose ...
There are institutions u organizations that protect the environment on Earth, whose common objective is the conservation of the planet's natural envir...
The consumerism affects the environment negatively in various ways, such as by generating waste. On the other hand, obtaining raw materials to manufac...
The homemade ways to reuse water They are techniques used in domestic environments to make the most of the liquid that is consumed. Among them are tak...