The Arctic Ocean -also known as the Arctic glacial ocean- it is one of the divisions of the world ocean characterized by being the smallest and northe...
The Antartic Ocean -Also known as the Southern or Southern Ocean, it is one of the parts that make up the world ocean and is characterized by being th...
The melting poles or thaw is the loss of the mass of ice at the ends of the planet as a result of global warming. In this sense, it has been noted tha...
The circular economy It is a paradigm that promotes the cyclical flow of extraction, transformation, distribution, use and recovery of materials and e...
According to the Mexican National Electricity Sector, during 2016 16,389 Gigawatts of energy were generated from coal, which represented a 6.22% of gr...
The electronic trash, Electronic scrap or electronic waste consists of all types of electrical and electronic equipment or components of these that ar...
The inorganic waste They are non-biological wastes derived from anthropogenic processes (generated by humans). By their nature, they are non-biodegrad...
The contamination of the rivers It is the introduction into its channel of foreign substances or organisms that affect the quality of its waters. As a...
The desertification It is the process of degradation of the soils, which lose their productive capacity and enter the desert condition. Deserts can be...