The Paranaense jungle It is the largest of the fifteen ecoregions that make up the Atlantic Forest or Atlantic Forest. It is located between the weste...
The Light pollution It is the interference in nature of artificial light sources causing negative impacts for living beings or affecting human interes...
The Noise pollution, acoustic or noise consists of an excess of loudness that affects the standards of the environment of a certain place. Although no...
The carbon footprint it is a measure of the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by humans from the activities of products and services. Monitoring this...
Between the main pollutants of rivers and streams, are the effluent drains generated by industrial activities, urban sewage, and substances used in ag...
The Ecuador's environmental problems They are mainly associated with the loss and degradation of natural spaces due to deforestation, the development ...
The environmental problems of Peru They are mainly linked to the degradation of the air, aquatic or terrestrial territorial space, the unsustainable u...
The rivers They are streams or streams of fresh water that are born in the mountains and hills, and travel to the lowest parts of the earth, the land ...
The environmental resistance they are the factors that as a whole limit the growth of a natural population. These can be dependent on population densi...