The domestic waters are those that are used in the home or family dwelling site and then discarded as waste or waste. As waste they are called sewage,...
The industrial waters They are those used in industrial and commercial activities, and which are then discarded as waste or waste. As waste they are c...
The glacial erosion it is the wear and changes of the earth's surface caused by the pressure and movement of the glacial ice masses. This type of eros...
The anthropogenic pollution It is the introduction by the human being into the environment of polluting elements that alter its quality causing a nega...
The sustainable consumption o sustainable is in line with the environment, focusing on what is really necessary and reducing the waste that is generat...
The 3 R ecological or the rule of the three r's, is a set of strategies to address the control of waste generation and management. These strategies in...
The biotic factors o biotic elements are the living components of an ecosystem that interact with each other and with the non-living (abiotic) compone...
The water cycle or hydrological cycle is the circulation of water on Earth changing between liquid, gaseous and solid states. In this circulatory move...
The ocean waters are those contained in the oceans and represent 96.5% of the planet's total water. They are delimited in 5 oceans that are the Atlant...