The biomes of America they include a great variability of bioclimatic landscapes due to the particular geographical shape of this continent. They exte...
The marine biomes They are oceanic areas that present physical and biological characteristics similar to each other, grouping diverse ecosystems. They...
The rainforest in Mexico it constitutes the extreme north to which these vegetal formations reach in America. In this country there are dry tropical f...
A climax community It is one that is part of a climax ecosystem so it has greater stability. The climax ecosystems are those that achieve a balance fo...
The synecology o community ecology studies the structure of communities and the interactions that occur between their species. It takes into account b...
The chaparral It is the characteristic plant formation of the Mediterranean climate of the North American Southwest. It stretches along the US Pacific...
A swamp it is a flat and poorly drained area, with a permanent or temporary low-depth sheet of stagnant water covered by vegetation. The sheet of wate...
The thermal floors of Colombia They are a way of classifying the different climatic types of the country based on altitude as the main determining fac...
The agriculture in Venezuela Until the 20th century it was the main source of wealth in the country. In fact, until the early 1920s it was among the m...