The products from the Caribbean region of Colombia They are very extensive and varied due to the great natural and cultural wealth of the area. In thi...
The cultural ecology It arises from the interrelation between ecology and economic anthropology, in order to try to understand the interaction between...
The landscape ecology it is the discipline that arises from the interaction between physical geography and biology. In it the landscape can be defined...
The potassium cycle It is the set of chemical, geological and biological processes that make this element circulate on Earth. Therefore it is a biogeo...
The environmental problems in Argentina They are diverse, due to the geographic size of the country and its nature as a transitional economy from rura...
The environmental problems of Venezuela They are multiple, given the deep crisis that this South American country is going through. It is one of the 1...
The environmental problems in Mexico they affect all their ecosystems. Mexican biodiversity is strongly affected, and even some species are in danger ...
What is rainfall? The rainfall refers to the drops of liquid water that fall from the atmosphere to the earth's surface. This is what is commonly call...
The principles of sustainability They are the theoretical foundations that support the sustainable development approach. These principles are based on...