The garbage islands They are areas of the oceans where a large amount of solid waste accumulates due to particular characteristics of the currents. Th...
The contamination of the rivers is the alteration or degradation of the natural state of these bodies of water by the introduction of chemical substan...
Between the sustainability strategies for natural resource management highlight the regional commitment to environmental protection, knowledge of loca...
Planet earth has existed for an amount of time unimaginable to us human beings: approximately 4.6 billion years. However, we should not think that the...
Common plants in the desert What are biomes? The biomes of Mexico are the various regions of the Aztec geography that share similar characteristics in...
The grasslands of Mexico They are called zacatales and correspond to plant formations where the dominance of grasses is almost absolute. The name Zaca...
Deforestation can also occur due to natural causes, in this case due to the eruption of Mount Santa Helena. Source: Eborutta, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikim...
Dry forest in Thailand What is the dry forest? The dry forest or dry forest is a plant formation with a predominance of the tree biotype in subtropica...
Floods, hurricanes, earthquakes or eruptions can cause damage considered by environmental risks What are environmental risks? Environmental risks are ...