The neurogenesis it is the birth of new neurons from stem cells and progenitor cells. It occurs during embryonic development when the nervous system i...
The psychological processes superior They consist of a very broad concept that encompasses a structure known as the cerebral cortex. It is the outermo...
The mitochondrial diseases they are a highly heterogeneous group of disorders that arise as a result of dysfunction of the mitochondrial respiratory c...
Do neurons regenerate? It has always been thought that no. It seems that most of our neurons are born when we are still in our mother's womb, and over...
The hypoxic encephalopathy, also called hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy or cerebral hypoxia, it appears when the amount of oxygen reaching the brain i...
The idiopathic epilepsy or primary is a predominantly genetic type of epilepsy in which seizures occur, but no neurological alterations or structural ...
The noradrenaline or norepinephrine is a chemical that our body creates naturally and that can act as a hormone and neurotransmitter. Along with dopam...
The echopraxia or echokinesis is a complex tic characterized by the involuntary and automatic imitation or repetition of the movements of another pers...
The anterograde amnesia it is a type of amnesia that causes loss of memory about new events. That is, the person with this condition is unable to lear...