The citric acid is an organic compound that consists of a weak acid whose chemical formula is C6H8OR7. As its name indicates, one of its main natural ...
The capillarity It is a property of liquids that allows them to move through tubular holes or porous surfaces even against the force of gravity. For t...
The weak bases they are species with little tendency to donate electrons, dissociate in aqueous solutions, or accept protons. The prism with which its...
The amphogens or chalcogens They are chemical elements that belong to the oxygen group or family of the periodic table. They are in group VIA o 16, lo...
The nitric acid It is an inorganic compound consisting of a nitrogen oxo acid. It is considered a strong acid, although its pKa (-1.4) is similar to t...
The isopropyl alcohol or isopropanol is an organic compound whose chemical formula is CH3CHOHCH3 or (CH3)twoCHOH. It belongs to one of the most import...
The alcohols they are organic compounds that are characterized by having a hydroxyl group (-OH) linked to a saturated carbon; that is, a carbon that i...
The simple distillation is a procedure in which the vapors produced from a liquid are taken directly to a condenser, within which the temperature of t...
A endothermic reaction It is one that to take place must absorb energy, in the form of heat or radiation, from its surroundings. Generally, but not al...