The potassium dichromate It is an inorganic compound with the formula K2Cr2O7 characterized by being a powerful oxidizing agent. It is an ionic compou...
The Avogadro's number It is the one that indicates how many particles make up a mole of matter. It is normally designated by the symbol NTO or L, and ...
The bromine It is a non-metallic element that belongs to the group of halogens, group 17 (VIIA) of the Periodic Table. Its chemical symbol is Br. It a...
The selenic acid is an inorganic compound of formula HtwoSW3 which stands out for being the main oxacid of selenium (the other is selenic acid). Its s...
The ammonium acetate is an inorganic salt whose chemical formula is NH4CH3COOH. It is derived from a mixture of acetic acid, present in commercial vin...
The iron (III) hydroxide is an inorganic compound whose formula is strictly Fe (OH)3, in which the proportion of Fe ions3+ and OH- is 3: 1. However, t...
The triethylamine is an organic compound, more precisely an aliphatic amine, whose chemical formula is N (CHtwoCH3)3 or NEt3. Like other liquid amines...
The isoamyl alcohol is an organic compound whose formula is (CH3)twoCHCHtwoCHtwoOH. Chemically speaking it is a branched primary alcohol, and constitu...
The chemical kinetics It is the study of the rates of a reaction. Deduce experimental or theoretical data on the molecular mechanism, through laws exp...