TheĀ vitreous stateĀ it occurs in bodies that have undergone rapid molecular ordering to take definite positions, generally due to rapid cooling. These ...
The tusfrano It is a radioactive chemical element that belongs to group 13 (IIIA) and period 7 of the periodic table. It is not achieved in nature, or...
The cellulose acetate It is an organic and synthetic compound that can be obtained in a solid state as flakes, flakes or white powder. Its molecular f...
The synthetic polymers They are all those made by human hands in laboratories or on industrial scales. Structurally, they consist of the union of smal...
The Silicium carbide It is a covalent solid made up of carbon and silicon. It is of great hardness with a value of 9.0 to 10 on the Mohs scale, and it...
The Le Chatelier principle describes the response of a system in equilibrium to counteract the effects caused by an external agent. It was formulated ...
Luis Federico Leloir was an Argentine physicist and biochemist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1970. He obtained the award thanks to t...
The metal alloys They are materials formed by combinations of two or more metals, or by metals and non-metals. So these substances can be represented ...
The percentage concentration it is a way of expressing the ratio of the solute in one hundred parts of mixture or solution. It should be noted that th...