The difference between Indian and indigenous is that Indian is the gentilicio of those born in India, instead, indigenous is the original or native in...
Children's rights are all legal provisions created to protect the freedoms of minors.The obligations of children are a series of responsibilities that...
A trade is a work activity that is generally linked to manual or artisanal processes that do not require formal studies.A profession is a work activit...
The mechanical solidarity It happens when a society is made up of individuals who differ little from each other, and social cohesion is obtained thank...
The difference between liberty and debauchery It is based on the fact that freedom implies respect for the other, in addition to assuming the conseque...
Globalization is all the economic, political and social dynamics that lead to greater interdependence between States and to a more flexible relationsh...
The castes of New Spain were a system of social, economic and political hierarchy that reigned in the American continent during European colonization ...
The Rights are all legal mechanisms that protect individuals.The homework are the obligations they must fulfill in order to exercise their rights.Righ...
The difference between acculturation and transculturation is that acculturation is the process of assimilation of a new culture through cultural conta...